Precis som det låter är det här en klass för män som är stela men vill bli mer rörliga. Med utvalda övningar arbetar vi med styrka, balans, rörlighet och ökad medvetenhet om muskler och leder - och inte minst mental styrka. Övingarna är enkla men utmanar på rätt nivå. Inga förkunskaper krävs, alla är välkomna!
In English
Welcome to Djursholm Yoga!
Djursholm Yoga was the small and cozy yoga studio right on the central square in Djursholm. Now we have instead turned into a yoga network in Danderyd with outdoor and indoor classes in Stocksund and tailor-made classes for individuals or groups. The outdoor classes can be taught in English if needed. Contact us for more information.
Do you want to try a class?
The easiest way to get started is to email and get everything set up for you, and all your questions answered directly. You can also fill out the form on the Home page and get 2 weeks of unlimited classes for SEK 500.
To see which classes we offer, please go to the Bookings page. The weekly timetable can be found above the classes calendar. To learn more about our class styles, please see below.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha är kanske den mest kända formen av yoga. Positionerna hålls ofta lite mer statiskt och lite längre än i exempelvis Vinyasa Yoga, men klasserna kan också vara mer flödande. Den fysiska delen kombineras med andning och meditation för att uppnå balans mellan kropp och sinne.
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa är en dynamisk och fritt flödande yogaform där varje klass är unik. Vinyasa betyder att synkronisera andning och rörelse, och därför är vägen mellan positionerna lika viktig som positionerna i sig. Klasserna kan vara mjuka eller mer utmanande, och avslutas alltid med meditation eller avslappning.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga är en form av Vinyasa Yoga, men i Ashtanga är sekvensen av rörelser alltid densamma. Det kan kanske verka enformigt, men genom att upprepningen tillåter oss att hela tiden upptäcka nya saker i varje position blir det oftast inte så. Ashtanga är en mer fysiskt krävande yogaform, så viss erfarenhet av yoga kan vara bra.
Morning Yoga in English
An Ashtanga or Vinyasa class taught in English. We choose between a free Vinyasa flow or the standardized Ashtanga flow depending on what the participants need and want. In both Ashtanga and Vinyasa we synchronize movement and breath and flow into and out of the poses, making it both a strong and a meditative practice. For all levels, we adapt to the needs of the participants. The class is taught outdoors on Backvägen 10A in Stocksund with max 7 participants and will be canceled if the weather gets too rough. Bring your own mat and dress according to the weather conditions.
Yoga For Stiff Men
Just as it sounds, this is a class for men who are stiff but want to become more flexible. Through carefully selected sequences of poses we work on improving strength, balance, flexibility and body awareness - and last but not least mental strength. The poses are basic but challenging on the right level. No previous experience is needed, everyone is welcome! The class is taught outdoors on Backvägen 10A in Stocksund with max 7 participants and will be canceled if the weather gets too rough. Bring your own mat and dress according to the weather conditions.
Soft Vinyasa
Vinyasa is a dynamic and flowing yoga style and every class is unique. Vinyasa means synchronization of breath and movement, and therefore the way from one pose to another is as important as the poses themselves. The class is taught outdoors on Backvägen 10A in Stocksund with max 7 participants and will be canceled if the weather gets too rough. Bring your own mat and dress according to the weather conditions.
Yin Yoga
Yin is a calm and quiet class where we stay and relax for a long time in selected poses, enabling ourselves to wind down mentally and give muscles and fascia a deep stretch. All the poses are performed seated or lying. No previous experience is required. The class is taught via Zoom. Before you begin, make sure you are in a quite place where you won't be disturbed, and find yourself a mat, a blanket and some pillows.